Hey - I started a website and that is where all my updates are. See it at seemetellmenyc.com
But on this blog you can see all my older works, my shows, my press and all the great email comments I got on the works until late 2014. After that I switched to instagram and there are great responses there too - @seemetellmenyc
Here is the gist - I make small, anonymous and slightly magical packages which I gift across the world; over 8,000 in the US, UK, France, Italy, Cuba, Cambodia, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Australia, and lots of other places.
My belief is a return to what I feel has been lost in art - surprise, chance, enchantment - and a desire to replace art as a commodity through interactivity and community.
But on this blog you can see all my older works, my shows, my press and all the great email comments I got on the works until late 2014. After that I switched to instagram and there are great responses there too - @seemetellmenyc
Here is the gist - I make small, anonymous and slightly magical packages which I gift across the world; over 8,000 in the US, UK, France, Italy, Cuba, Cambodia, Turkey, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Australia, and lots of other places.
My belief is a return to what I feel has been lost in art - surprise, chance, enchantment - and a desire to replace art as a commodity through interactivity and community.