Showing posts with label 13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 13. Show all posts


Thirteenth Series: February Snowstorms, ed. 7/12. In the sweltering heat and humidity of this New York August I wanted to provide a reminder of the cold days past with these images of February’s record snow storm. I hear the cicadas chirping. I see the morning glories blooming. And the Monarch butterflys are fluttering by so this summer will soon end. Drink a beer, cool down and enjoy. Placed August 5-11, 2010 in New York. Each collage consists of a 2 x 3 ½ inch poly bag, images of Brooklyn in the snow, and white and bright blue sparkly glitter. On verso is the signifier word sticker, title of series, edition number, and a tiny sticker of a snow shovel. Signifier words for this series are: 20 inches, blizzard, cold, Feb. 10, 2010, Feb. 26, 2010, ice, record-breaking, snow, snowday, snow hurricane, snow plows, snowicane. Did you see one? Tell me.