Showing posts with label 24. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 24. Show all posts


Twenty-fourth Series: Little Monsters, ed. 13
You know those great 19th and early 20th century neo-Romanesque / Gothic ornaments of faces and gargoyles you see on the buildings all over New York? Love them!! I have been known to climb up to the upper stories of nearby buildings just to get a look. I imagine them patiently watching the city evolve and coming to life when we are not looking. So I gathered together a selection of these images and some of their antecedents and made them all into little monsters by adding mouths, tongues, and bindings. These works consist of a 3 ½ x 2 inch poly bag, red wrapping paper, Japanese paper, string, thread, ribbon, sequins, and beads. And while these works look great tucked away in their baggies they are also wonderful when removed so you can see what is inside! They will be placed between December 15, 2010–January 4, 2011. Did you see one? Tell me!