Showing posts with label 52. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 52. Show all posts


DONE Fifty-second series, Fairy Rings, ed. 100  
Going out in this frigid weather makes me long for spring. So I decided to scatter some fairy rings during my walks. In real life these rings, also known as fairy circles, elf circles, or pixie rings, are naturally occurring arcs of mushrooms found mainly in forested areas. European folklore states that these natural occurrences are gateways into elfin kingdoms, or places where elves gather and dance.

The works consist of liquid plastic poured into a simple button shaped mold. Invested in the plastic is glitter, sequins, bells, and beads. From a beaded hole in the front of the work flies a colored ribbon. The works are attached to a light pole with little magnets. The current “standard, octagonal, galvanized steel post with cobra-head luminaire lamps” that that blanket our NYC parks providing a sense of nostalgic also provides me with 8 surfaces to attach the works. The sequins glitter in the harsh winter sun and the ribbons flutter in the biting breezes. (One of my favorite followers says, “They remind me of Tibetan prayer flags.”) The works will always be released in sets of 8 and only in NYC Parks whether they are the tiny vest pocket parks trapped in the middle of busy intersections or the big ones like Central, Prospect or Pelham.